1. Zheng WJ, Shi SW, Gong J*.The truths behind the statistics of surgical treatment for hypertensive brainstem hemorrhage in China: a review.Neurosurg Rev.2022.45(2).1195-1204.SCI |
2. Zheng WJ, Guan XY, Fan KY, Gong J*.Application of the CNS vital signs test and WISC-IV in the cognitive assessment of Chinese pediatric patients with intra-cranial space occupying lesion.Appl Neuropsychol Child.2022.15:1-10.10.SCI |
3. Lu Z#, Zheng WJ#, Han X, Gong J*.Postoperative complications of microscopic fenestration for middle fossa arachnoid cysts: a retrospective study of 38 cases and literature review.Pediatr Neurosurg.2022.57(5).333-342.SCI |
4. Guan XY, Zheng WJ, Fan KY, Han X, Li X, Yan ZH, Lu Z, Gong J*.Changes in a sensorimotor network, occipital network, and psychomotor speed within three months after focal surgical injury in pediatric patients with intracranial space-occupying lesions.BMC Pediatr.2022.1;22(1).321.SCI |
5. Li Z, Wei Y, Shao Y, Tang L, Gong J*.Multi-omics analysis of intertumoral heterogeneity within medulloblastoma uncharted-pathway subtypes.Brain Tumor Pathology.2021.38(3).234-242.SCI |
6. Li LM, Zheng WJ, Chen YZ, Hu ZH, Liao W, Lin QC, Zhu YH, Huang HT, Lin SH, Gong J*.Predictive Factors of Postoperative Peritumoral Brain Edema after Meningioma Resection.Neurol India.2021.69(6).1682-1687.SCI |
7. Li Z, Yu Y, Lu Z, Gong J*.Infantile and Noninfantile Desmoplastic Astrocytoma and Ganglioglioma: Only Different Age of Onset?.World Neurosurgery.2020.Dec;144.e189-e194. .SCI |
8. Jintao He,Zhicen Li,Yaxiong Yu,Zheng Lu,Zhi Li,Jian Gong*.Cognitive function assessment and comparison on lateral ventricular tumors resection by the frontal transcortical approach and anterior transcallosal approach respectively in children.Neurosurgical Review.2019.Epub ahead of print.1-14.SCI |
9. Jintao He,Xiang Li,Wanchun Zhu,Chunde Li,Jian Gong*.Posterior fossa pilomyxoid astrocytoma with spontaneous hemorrhage in pediatric patients.Childs Nervous System.2018.34(1).149-153.SCI |
10. Jintao He, Xiang Li, Wanchun Zhu, Yaxiong Yu, Jian Gong*.Research of differential expression of sIL1RAP in low-grade gliomas between children and adults.Brain Tumor Pathology.2018.35(1).19-28.SCI |
11. Xiang Li,Wanchun Zhu,Jintao He,Fei Di,Lei Wang,Xin Li,Wei Liu ,Chunde Li ,Jian Gong*.Application of computer assisted three-dimensional simulation operation and biomechanics analysis in the treatment of sagittal craniosynostosis.Journal Of Clinical Neuroscience.2017.Oct(44).323-329.SCI |
12. Wanchun Zhu,Jintao He,Xiang Li,Lei Wang,Zheng Lu,Chunde Li,Jian Gong*.Cognitive performance change of pediatric patients after conducting frontal transcortical approach to treat lateral ventricular tumor.Childs Nervous System.2017.33(12).2099-2108.SCI |
13. Lei Wang,Wanchun Zhu,Xiang Li,Jintao He,Chunde Li,Jian Gong*.A rare case report and literatures review on primary germinoma in cerebellar hemisphere.Childs Nervous System.2017.33(11).2039-2045.SCI |
14. Wanchun Zhu,Xiang Li,Jintao He,Tao Sun,Chunde Li,Jian Gong*.A reformed surgical treatment modality for children with giant cystic craniopharyngioma.Childs Nervous System.2017.33(9).1491-1500.SCI |
15. Wanchun Zhu,Xiang Li,Jintao He,Fei Di,Wei Liu,Lei Wang,Yongji Tian,Chunde Li,Jian Gong*.Feasibility Analysis for Treatment of Giant Intracranial Benign Tumor by Delayed Operation in Infancy.WORLD NEUROSURGERY.2017.99.122-131.SCI |
16. 李响,朱婉春,何锦涛,汪雷,邸飞,李鑫,李春德,宫剑*.小儿头颅贯通枪伤1例.中国临床神经外科杂志.2016.12.806-807.核心期刊 |
17. 李响,Raynald,朱婉春,宫剑*.小儿颅内胚胎癌1例.中国临床神经外科杂志.2016.1.63-64.核心期刊 |
18. Jian Gong#,Haili Zhang#,Shushan Xing,Chunde Li,Zhenyu Ma,Ge Jia*,and Wanning Hu*.High expression levels of CXCL12 and CXCR4 predict recurrence of adamantinomatous craniopharyngiomas in children.Cancer Biomarkers.2014.14.241-251.SCI |
19. 李冬智,闫君,李迪,刘玉,董洁,高亚萍,杨光,孙涛,宫剑*.小鼠金黄色葡萄球菌颅内感染模型的建立.中国微侵袭神经外科杂志.2014.19(7).315-318.核心期刊 |
20. 宫剑*.试论小儿神经外科医师培养中需要注意的若干问题.科学中国人.2014.7.43-45.核心期刊 |
21. Jian Gong#,Dongzhi Li#,Jun Yan#,Yu Liu,Di Li,Jie Dong,Yaping Gao,Tao Sun*,Guang Yang*.The accessory gene regulator (agr) controls Staphylococcus aureus virulence in a murine intracranial abscesses model.Brazilian Journal Of Infectious Diseases.2014.8(4).501-506.SCI |
22. 邢树山,刘文庆,胡万宁,赵喜庆,宫剑*.uPA和VEGF与儿童造釉细胞型颅咽管瘤复发的相关性研究.中华神经外科杂志.2013.299(6).561-564.核心期刊 |
23. 邢树山,胡万宁,赵喜庆,刘文庆,宫剑*.白介素 1 受体辅助蛋白在儿童和成人低级别胶质瘤中的作用.首都医科大学学报.2013.34(2).258-263.核心期刊 |