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2. Yang D, Zhang X, Tan C, Han Z, Su Y, Duan R, Wang R *.Intraoperative transit-time ultrasonography combined with FLOW800 predicts the occurrence of cerebral hyperperfusion syndrome after direct revascularization of Moyamoya disease: a preliminary study.ACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA.2021.163(2).563-71.SCI |
3. Ziqi Liu, Shihao He1#, Yanchang Wei, Ran Duan, Cai Zhang, Tian Li, Ning Ma, Xin Lou, Rong Wang* and Xiaoyuan Liu*.Changes of Cerebral Cortical Structure and Cognitive dysfunction in “Healthy Hemisphere” after Stroke: A study about Cortical Complexity and Sulcus Patterns in Bilateral Ischemic Adult Moyamoya Disease.BMC Neuroscience.2021.22(1).66.SCI |
4. Shihao He, Ziqi Liu#, Yanchang Wei, Ran Duan, Zongsheng Xu, Cai Zhang, Li Yuan, Tian Li, Ning Ma, Xin Lou, Xiaoyuan Liu*, Rong Wang*.Impairments in brain perfusion, executive control network, topological characteristics, and neurocognition in adult patients with asymptomatic Moyamoya disease.BMC Neuroscience.2021.22(1).35.SCI |
5. Shihao He, Ran Duan#, Ziqi Liu, Cai Zhang, Tian Li, Yanchang Wei, Ning Ma, Rong Wang*.Altered Functional Connectivity is Related to Impaired Cognition in Left Unilateral Asymptomatic Carotid Artery Stenosis Patients.BMC Neurology.2021.21(1).350.SCI |
6. Chengrui Yan, Jiaru Wang, Ruohan Guo, Weitao Jin, Yang Zhao, Rong Wang*.Vascular Diameters as Predictive Factors of Recanalization Surgery Outcomes in Internal Carotid Artery Occlusion.Frontiers in Neurology.2021.12.632063.SCI |
7. He S, Duan R, Liu Z, Ye X, Yuan L, Li T, Wang R *.Characteristics of cognitive impairment in adult asymptomatic moyamoya disease.BMC Neurology.2020.20(1).322.SCI |
8. Liu Z, He S, Xu Z, Duan R, Yuan L, Xiao C, Wang R *.Association between white matter impairment and cognitive dysfunction in patients with ischemic Moyamoya disease.BMC Neurology.2020.20(1).302.SCI |
9. Shi G, Tan C, Duan R, Li S, He Y, Zhang D, Wang R *.Intraoperative local hemodynamic quantitative analysis of direct revascularization in patients with moyamoya disease.NEUROSURGICAL REVIEW.2020.2020(1).1.SCI |
10. He S, Liu Z, Xu Z, Duan R, Yuan L, Xiao C, Wang R *.Brain Functional Network in Chronic Asymptomatic Carotid Artery Stenosis and Occlusion: Changes and Compensation.Neural Plasticity.2020.20(1).1-15.SCI |
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14. Cunxin Tan, Ran Duan,Xun Ye,Dong Zhang, Rong Wang*.Posterior Circulation Moyamoya Disease Versus Primitive Vertebral-Basilar Artery System Moyamoya Disease: A New Classification of Moyamoya Disease From the Perspective of Embryology..World neurosurgery.2016.96.222-229.SCI |
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17. Jian Zheng, Shu Li, Yong Cao, Shuo Wang, Rong Wang*, and Jizong Zhao*,.Multiple Cerebral Myxomatous Aneurysms: What Is the optimal treatment?.Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases.2015.24(1).232-238.SCI |
18. Rong Wang#,Dong Zhang#,Jizong Zhao*,Shuo Wang, Yuanli Zhao,Hongchuan Niu.A comparative study of 43 patients with mirror-like intracranial aneurysms: risk factors, treatment, and prognosis..Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment.2014.10(10).2231-2237.SCI |
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