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6. Zhao J, Chhetri JK, Chang Y, Zheng Z, Ma L, Chan P*.Intrinsic Capacity vs. Multimorbidity: A Function-Centered Construct Predicts Disability Better Than a Disease-Based Approach in a Community-Dwelling Older Population Cohort.Frontiers in Medicine.2021.8.753295.SCI |
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14. Chhetri JK, Zheng Z, Xu X, Ma C, Chan P*.The prevalence and incidence of frailty in Pre-diabetic and diabetic community-dwelling older population: results from Beijing longitudinal study of aging II (BLSA-II).BMC Geriatr.2017.17(1).47.SCI |
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80. Shun Yu, Kenji Ueda, Piu Chan.α-Synuclein and Dopamine Metabolism.Molecular Neurobiology.2005.31(1-3).243-254.SCI |
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