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2. Wang K.#,Wang Y.#,Fan X.,Wang J.,Li G.,Ma J.,Ma J.,Jiang T.,Dai J.*.Radiological features combined with IDH1 status for predicting the survival outcome of glioblastoma patients..Neuro-Oncology.2016.18(4).589-597.SCI |
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6. Wang K.#, Dai J.*.Conus medullaris ganglioneuroma with syringomyelia radiologically mimicking ependymoma: A case report.Oncology Letters.2015.10(6).3803-3806.SCI |
7. 吴桐#,王凯,艾林,戴建平*.CT血管造影与MR血管造影对颅内动脉瘤诊断价值的对比研究.磁共振成像.2015.6(5).339-343.核心期刊 |
8. 陈绪珠,马军,艾林,陈谦,戴建平*.CTA和MRI检查在颈髓血管网织细胞瘤中的应用(附6例报告).医学影像杂志.2014.24(7).1011-1013.核心期刊 |
9. 王凯#,陈绪珠,戴建平*.大鼠脑胶质瘤模型研究进展.磁共振成像.2014.5(1).88-94.核心期刊 |
10. 陈谦,陈绪珠,王军梅,李少武,江涛,戴建平*.Intracranial Meningeal Hemangiopericytomas in Children and Adolescents: CT and MR Imaging Findings.AJNR Am J Neuroradiol..2012.33(1).195-9.SCI |
11. 陈绪珠,艾林,陈谦,李少武,戴建平*.Differentiation between brain glioblastoma multiforme and solitary metastasis: qualitative and quantitative analysis based on routine MR imaging..AJNR Am J Neuroradiol..2012.33(10).1907-1912.SCI |
12. 陈绪珠,范亦龙,陈谦,艾林,戴建平*.颅骨海绵状血管瘤的CT和MR诊断(附11例报告).医学影像学杂志.2011.21(2).149-151.核心期刊 |
13. 陈绪珠,戴建平,艾林,茹小娟,王军梅,李少武,Young GS.Clival Invasion on Multi-Detector CT in 390 Pituitary Macroadenomas: Correlation with Sex, Subtype and Rates of Operative Complication and Recurrence. .AJNR Am J Neuroradiol..2011.32(4).785-9.SCI |
14. 陈绪珠,江涛,王军梅,戴建平*.垂体大腺瘤临床及MRI特点在不同性别间的比较.中国医学影像技术.2010.26 (2).234-7.核心期刊 |
15. 陈绪珠,戴建平,江涛. Supratentorial WHO grade II glioma invasion: a morphologic study using sequential conventional MRI. .Br J Neurosurg.2010.24(2).196-201.SCI |
16. 李少武,王江飞,江涛,李守巍,张文博,李子孝,张忠,戴建平*,王忠诚.Preoperative 3T high field blood oxygen level dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging for glioma involving sensory cortical areas..Chin Med J (Engl).2010. 123(8).1006-10.SCI |
17. 陈绪珠,江涛,王军梅,戴建平*. Spontaneous rupture of an intracranial teratoma.Neurol India.2010.58(1).166-7.SCI |
18. 陈绪珠,王军梅,戴建平*.颅内外沟通的原发性平滑肌瘤一例.中华放射学杂志.2010.44(12).1341-1342.核心期刊 |
19. 叶进湖,孙辉,李X,戴建平.Osteoma of anterior cranial fossa complicated by intracranial mucocele with emphasis on its radiological diagnosis. Neurology India.2008.56(1).79-80.SCI |
20. 叶进湖,戴建平,林欣,赵元立.Dynamic enhancement features of cavernous sinus cavernous hemangiomas on conventional contrast-enhanced MR imaging.AJNR Am J Neuroradiol.2008.29(3).577-81.SCI |
21. 陈绪珠,江涛,李少武,艾林,戴建平.Dynamic radiological change of gliomas located in the paralimbic system and the clinical significance.Chin Med J.2008.121(8).713-715.SCI |
22. 陈绪珠,戴建平.Tuberous sclerosis complex complicated with extraventricular cystic giant cell astrocytoma:case report.Chin Med J.2007.120(9).854-856.SCI |
23. 陈绪珠,徐磊,戴建平,韩建成.颅内巨大脑膜瘤一例.中华放射学杂志.2007.41(1).107-107.无 |
24. 李少武, 江涛, 陈绪珠,戴建平.超高场磁共振功能成像辅助切除躯体感觉区胶质瘤.中华神经外科杂志.2007.23(3).197-200.无 |
25. 叶进湖,戴建平,马军,孙辉,房业鹏.Metastasis of a histologically benign choroid plexus papilloma: case report and review of the literature.J Neurooncol.2007.83(1).47-52.SCI |
26. 陈绪珠,李少武,江涛,马军,艾林,戴建平.血管网织细胞瘤结节大小与血管流空的相关性研究.中华神经外科杂志.2007.23(11).880-880.无 |
27. 陈绪珠,江涛,李少武,艾林,马军,戴建平.高级别胶质瘤动态变化的影像学观察(附15例分析).中国医学影像技术杂志.2007.23(10).1453-1456.无 |
28. 彭靖,戴建平,朱明旺,李少武,詹炯,刘翔..MR脑血流灌注成像在星形细胞肿瘤中的应用研究.中华放射学杂志, Chinese Journal of Radiology.2003.07期 .636~639. |