1. Wang X, Hu W, Wang H, Gao D, Liu Y, Zhang X, Jiang Y, Mo J, Meng F, Zhang K*, Zhang JG*..Altered Structural Brain Network Topology in Patients With Primary Craniocervical Dystonia.Frontiers in Neurology.2022.-.-.SCI |
2. Hu WH, Mo JJ, Yang BW, Liu HG, Zhang C, Wang X, Qiu JJ, Zhao BT, Shao XQ, Zhang JG*, Zhang K*. .Voxel-Based Morphometric MRI Postprocessing-Assisted Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy for Focal Cortical Dysplasia-Suspected Lesions: Technique and Outcomes.Operative Neurosurgery.2022.-.-.SCI |
3. Yao Y, Wang X, Hu W, Zhang C, Sang L, Zheng Z, Mo J, Liu C, Qiu J, Shao X, Zhang J, Zhang K*..Magnetic Resonance-guided Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy for Hypothalamic Hamartoma: Surgical Approach and Treatment Outcomes.Journal of clinical medicine.2022.-.-.SCI |
4. Guo Z#, Mo J#, Zhang C, Zhang J, Hu W, Zhang K*..Brain-clinical signature for vagus nerve stimulation response.CNS neuroscience & therapeutics.2022.-.-.SCI |
5. Mo J, Dong W, Cui T, Chen C, Shi W, Hu W, Zhang C, Wang X, Zhang K*, Shao X*..Whole-brain metabolic pattern analysis in patients with anti-LGI1 autoimmune encephalitis.European journal of neurology.2022.-.-.SCI |
6. Mo J, Zhang J, Hu W, Sang L, Zheng Z, Zhou W, Wang H, Zhu J, Zhang C, Wang X, Zhang K*. .Automated Detection and Surgical Planning for Focal Cortical Dysplasia with Multicenter Validation.Neurosurgery.2022.-.-.SCI |
7. Zhao B, McGonigal A, Hu W, Zhang C, Wang X, Mo J, Zhao X, Ai L, Shao X, Zhang K*, Zhang J*..Interictal HFO and FDG-PET correlation predicts surgical outcome following SEEG.Epilepsia.2022.-.-.SCI |
8. 李敬军,王垚,杨博文,张弨,郑重,胡文瀚,邵晓秋,张建国,张凯*.低高频丘脑前核电刺激治疗药物难治性癫痫疗效分析(附9例临床分析).立体定向和功能性神经外科杂志.2021.34(02).71-73+89.核心期刊 |
9. Jiajie Mo#, Baotian Zhao#, Sophie Adler, Jianguo Zhang, Xiaoqiu Shao, Yanshan Ma, Lin Sang, Wenhan Hu, Chao Zhang, Yao Wang, Xiu Wang, Chang Liu, Kai Zhang*.Quantitative assessment of structural and functional changes in temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis.Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery.2021.11-5.1782-1795.SCI |
10. 杨博文,赵宝田,莫嘉杰,桑林,胡文瀚,张弨,王秀,张建国*,张凯*.静息态功能磁共振在局灶性皮质发育不良癫痫患者中定位致痫区的价值.立体定向和功能性神经外科杂志.2021.34(03).129-134.核心期刊 |
11. 胡文瀚,莫嘉杰,刘畅,王秀,刘焕光,赵宝田,邱佳冀,高冬梅,邵晓秋,张建国*,张凯*.磁共振引导激光间质热疗治疗药物难治性癫痫的手术策略及疗效.中华神经外科杂志.2021.37(08).764-770.核心期刊 |
12. Akkol S, Kucyi A, Hu W, Zhao B, Zhang C, Sava-Segal C, Liu S, Razavi B, Zhang J, Zhang K*, Parvizi J*.Intracranial electroencephalography reveals selective responses to cognitive stimuli in the periventricular heterotopias.journal of neuroscience.2021.41(17).3870-3878.SCI |
13. 刘畅,张凯,郑重,周峰,解飞,李冬智,杨晓丽,高冬梅,马延山,桑林*.立体脑电图引导射频热凝毁损治疗下丘脑错构瘤相关癫痫的长期疗效观察.中华神经外科杂志.2021.37(08).771-775.核心期刊 |
14. Wang Y, Wang X, Sang L, Zhang C, Zhao BT, Mo JJ, Hu WH, Shao XQ, Wang F, Ai L, Zhang JG, Zhang K*.Network of ictal head version in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy.Brain and Behavior.2020.10-11.e01820.SCI |
15. Alexander G. Weil(first author), Zhang K(mid author), Fallah A* et al..Hemispherectomy Outcome Prediction Scale: Development and validation of a seizure freedom prediction tool.Epilepsia.2020.-.-.SCI |
16. Shiyong Liu#, Tao Yu#, Yuguang Guan#, Kai Zhang#, Ping Ding#, Lei Chen, Yongzhi Shan, Qiang Guo, Qingzhu Liu, Yi Yao, Meihua Yang, Shaohui Zhang, Yuanxiang Lin, Rui Zhao, Zhiqi Mao, Juncheng Zhang, Chunqing Zhang, Rui Zhang, Zhiquan Yang, Ruobing Qian, Yunlin Li, Guangming Zhang, Liu Yuan, Weidon.Resective epilepsy surgery in tuberous sclerosis complex: a nationwide multicentre retrospective study from China.Brain.2020.0.1-12.SCI |
17. Zhi-hao Guo#, Bao-tian Zhao#, Sheela Toprani#, Wen-han Hu, Chao Zhang, Xiu Wang, Lin Sang, Yan-shan Ma, Xiao-qiu Shao, Babak Razavi, Josef Parvizi, Robert Fisher*, Jian-guo Zhang*, Kai Zhang*.Epileptogenic network of focal epilepsies mapped with cortico-cortical evoked potentials.Clinical Neurophysiology.2020.131-11.2657-2666.SCI |
18. Kucyi A#, Daitch A#, Raccah O#, Zhao B, Zhang C, Esterman M, Zeineh M, Halpern CH, Zhang K, Zhang J*, Parvizi J*..Electrophysiological dynamics of antagonistic brain networks reflect attentional fluctuations.Nature Communications.2020.11-1.325.SCI |
19. Zhang H#, Mo J#, Jiang H, Li Z, Hu W, Zhang C, Wang Y, Wang X, Liu C, Zhao B, Zhang J*, Zhang K*.Deep Learning Model for the Automated Detection and Histopathological Prediction of Meningioma.Neuroinformatics.2020.-.-.SCI |
20. Zhao B, Seguin C, Ai L, Sun T, Hu W, Zhang C, Wang X, Liu C, Wang Y, Mo J, Zalesky A, Zhang K*, Zhang J*.Aberrant Metabolic Patterns Networks in Insular Epilepsy.Frontiers in Neurology.2020.11 .605256.SCI |
21. Lin Y, Mo J, Jin H, Cao X, Zhao Y, Wu C*, Zhang K*, Hu W*, Lin Z.Automatic analysis of integrated magnetic resonance and positron emission tomography images improves the accuracy of detection of focal cortical dysplasia type IIb lesions.European Journal of neuroscience.2020.-.-.SCI |
22. Guo Z#, Zhao B#, Hu W, Zhang C, Wang X, Wang Y, Liu C, Mo J, Sang L, Ma Y, Shao X, Zhang J*, Zhang K*.Effective connectivity among the hippocampus, amygdala, and temporal neocortex in epilepsy patients: A cortico-cortical evoked potential study..Epilepsy and Behavior.2020.115.107661.SCI |
23. 王垚、王秀、桑林、刘畅、郭志浩、张子卿、胡文瀚、张建国、张凯*.合并海马硬化的颞叶内侧型癫痫的网络分析.立体定向和功能性神经外科杂志.2020.33-02.5-8.核心期刊 |
24. Zhao B#, Yang B#, Tan Z, Hu W, Sang L, Zhang C, Wang X, Wang Y, Liu C, Mo J, Shao X, Zhang J*, Zhang K*..Intrinsic brain activity changes in temporal lobe epilepsy patients revealed by regional homogeneity analysis.Seizure.2020.81.117-122.SCI |
25. Wang H, McGonigal A, Zhang K, Guo Q, Zhang B, Wang X, Wang X, Lin J, Song X, Feng Q, Wang S, Wang M, Shao X, Liu X, Wang L, Zhou W*.Semiologic subgroups of insulo-opercular seizures based on connectional architecture atlas.Epilepsia.2020.61-5.984-994.SCI |
26. Jia-Jie Mo, Wen-Han Hu, Chao Zhang, Xiu Wang, Chang Liu, Bao-Tian Zhao, Jun-Jian Zhou, Kai Zhang*.Motor cortex stimulation: a systematic literature-based analysis of effectiveness and case series experience.BMC Neurology.2019.19(48).1-9.SCI |
27. Mo Jia-Jie, Zhang Jian-Guo, Li Wen-Ling, Chen Chao, Zhou Na-Jing, Hu Wen-Han, Zhang Chao, Wang Yao, Wang Xiu, Liu Chang, Zhao Bao-Tian, Zhou Jun-Jian, Zhang Kai*.Clinical Value of Machine Learning in the Automated Detection of Focal Cortical Dysplasia Using Quantitative Multimodal Surface-Based Features..Frontiers in Neuroscience .2019.12.1008.SCI |
28. Wen-han Hu, Bao-tian Zhao, Chao Zhang, Xiu Wang, Lin Sang, Xiao-qiu Shao, Hui Qiao, Jian-guo Zhang, Kai Zhang*.Focal cortical dysplasia II-related seizures originate from the bottom of the dysplastic sulcus: A stereoelectroencephalography study..Clinical Neurophysiology.2019.130(9).1596-1603.SCI |
29. Xiu Wang, Wenhan Hu, Aileen McGonigal, Chao Zhang, Lin Sang, Baotian Zhao, Tao Sun, Feng Wang, Jian-guo Zhang, Xiaoqiu Shao*, Kai Zhang*.Electroclinical features of insulo-opercular epilepsy: an SEEG and PET study.Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology.2019.6(7).1165-1177.SCI |
30. Jiajie Mo, Zhenyu Liu, Kai Sun, Yanshan Ma, Wenhan Hu, Chao Zhang, Yao Wang, Xiu Wang, Chang Liu, Baotian Zhao, Kai Zhang*, Jianguo Zhang*, Jie Tian*.Automated detection of hippocampal sclerosis using clinically empirical and radiomics features.Epilepsia.2019.60.2519-2529.SCI |
31. Yao Wang, Xiu Wang, Jia‐jie Mo, Lin Sang, Bao‐tian Zhao, Chao Zhang, Wen‐han Hu, Jian‐guo Zhang, Xiao‐qiu Shao, Kai Zhang*.Symptomatogenic zone and network of oroalimentary automatisms in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy..Epilepsia.2019.60(6).1150-1159.SCI |
32. Chao Zhang, Bao-tian Zhao, Aileen McGonigal, Wen-han Hu, Xiu Wang, Xiao-qiu Shao, Yan-shan Ma, Jian-guo Zhang, Kai Zhang*.Superior Frontal Sulcus Focal Cortical Dysplasia Type II: An MRI, PET, and Quantified SEEG Study.frontiers in Neurology.2019.10.1253.SCI |
33. Yao Wang, Chao Zhang, Xiu Wang, Lin Sang, Feng Zhou, Jian-Guo Zhang, Wen-Han Hu, Kai Zhang*.Seizure and cognitive outcomes of posterior quadrantic disconnection: a series of 12 pediatric patients.British Journal of Neurosurgery.2019.-.1-6.SCI |
34. Mo jiajie, Hu Wenhan, Zhang Chao, Wang Xiu, Liu Chang, Zhao Baotian, Zhou Junjian, Zhang Kai.Value of stereo-electroencephalogram in reoperation of patients with pharmacoresistant epilepsy: a single center, retrospective study.British journal of neurosurgery.2018.32(6).663-670.SCI |
35. 桑林,张凯*,张建国,马延山,邵晓秋,张弨,赵宝田,胡文瀚,郑重,周峰.PET-MRI影像融合技术在药物难治性癫痫术前评估中的价值.中华神经外科杂志.2017.33(6).559-563.核心期刊 |
36. Wang X, Wang Y, Zhang C, Liu C, Zhao B, Wei N, Zhang JG, Zhang K*.CB1 Receptor Antagonism Prevents Long-Term Hyperexcitability after Head Injury by Regulation of Dynorphin-KOR System and mGluR5 in Rat Hippocampus.Brain Research.2016.1646.174-181.SCI |
37. 王垚,王秀,张弨,刘畅,张凯*,张建国,杨海峰.利莫那班对颅脑外伤模型大鼠癫痫易感性的影响.吉林大学学报(医学版).2016.42(3).435-438.核心期刊 |
38. Xiu Wang#, Chao Zhang#, Yao Wang, Chang Liu, Baotian Zhao, Jian-guo Zhang, Wenhan Hu, Xiaoqiu Shao, Kai Zhang*.Deep brain stimulation for craniocervical dystonia (Meige Syndrome): A report of four patients and a literature-based analysis of its treatment effects.Neuromodulation.2016.19.818-823.SCI |
39. Xiu Wang#, Yao Wang#, Chao Zhang, Chang Liu, Hai-Feng Yang,Wen-Han Hu, Jian-Guo Zhang, Kai Zhang*.Endogenous cannabinoid system alterations and their role in epileptogenesis after brain injury in rat.Epilepsy Research.2016.128.35-42.SCI |
40. Wang X, Zhang C, Wang Y, Hu W, Shao X, Zhang JG, Zhang K*.Prognostic factors for seizure outcome in patients with MRI-negative temporal lobe epilepsy: A meta-analysis and systematic review.Seizure.2016.38.54-62.SCI |
41. Meng DW, Zhang JG, Zheng Z, Wang X, Luo F*, Zhang K*.Chronic Bilateral Sphenopalatine Ganglion Stimulation for Intractable Bilateral Chronic Cluster Headache: A Case Report.Pain Physician.2016.19(4).637-642.SCI |
42. 史增敏,张凯*,张建国,马延山,桑林,郑重,周峰,解飞,王秀.大脑半球切除术治疗顽固性癫痫的随访研究.中华神经外科杂志.2016.32(10).984-988.核心期刊 |
43. Chao Zhang#,Nai-Li Wei#,Yao Wang,Xiu Wang,Jian-Guo Zhang,Kai Zhang*.Deep brain stimulation of the nucleus accumbens shell induces anti-obesity effects in obese rats with alteration of dopamine neurotransmission.Neuroscience Letters.2015.589.1-6.SCI |
44. 王秀,张凯*,张弨,魏乃礼,王垚,刘畅,赵宝田,胡文瀚,张建国.高频电刺激伏隔核壳部对肥胖大鼠摄食相关激素的影响.中华神经外科杂志.2015.31(1).76-79.核心期刊 |
45. ZHENXING SUN#,KAI ZHANG#,HUANCONG ZUO,DAN YUAN,YAXING SUN,ZHIQIANG CUI,JIN WANG*.Predictors of prognosis in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy after anterior temporal lobectomy.Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine.2015.10.1896-1902.SCI |
46. Chao Zhang#,Yao Wang#,Xiu Wang,Jian-Guo Zhang,Jing-Jun Li,Wen-Han Hu,Kai Zhang*.Sporadic meningioangiomatosis with and without meningioma: analysis of clinical differences and risk factors for poor seizure outcomes.Acta Neurochirurgica.2015.157.841-853.SCI |
47. N. WEI#,Y. WANG#,X. WANG,Z. HE,M. ZHANG,X. Zhang,Y. Pan,J. Zhang,Z. Qin,K. Zhang*.The different effects of high-frequency stimulation of the nucleus accumbens shell and core on food consumption are possibly associated with different neural responses in the lateral hypothalamic area .Neuroscience.2015.301.312-322.SCI |
48. 刘畅,王慧敏,张建国,张弨,王秀,赵宝田,杨岸超,孟凡刚,张凯*.脑深部电刺激术治疗颅脑创伤后肌张力障碍长期随访研究.中国现代神经疾病杂志.2015.15(10).795-799.核心期刊 |
49. Naili Wei,Yanfei Jia,Xiu Wang,Yinian Zhang,Guoqiang Yuan,Baotian Zhao,Yao Wang,Kai Zhang*,Xinding Zhang,Yawen Pan,Jianguo Zhang.Risk Factors for Postoperative Fibrinogen Deficiency after Surgical Removal of Intracranial Tumors.PLos One.2015.10(12).e0144551.SCI |
50. Sun Zhenxing,Yuan Dan,Sun Yaxing,Zhang Jianguo,Zuo Huancong,Zhang Kai*.Clinical curative effect analysis and predictors of prognosis in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy after anterior temporal lobectomy: results after five years.Chinese Medical Journal.2014.127(14).2588-2593.SCI |
51. 王垚,张凯*,张弨,王秀,张建国,孙振荣,孟凡刚.合并海马硬化的儿童颞叶癫痫手术效果分析 .中华神经外科杂志.2014.30(8).788-791.核心期刊 |
52. Chao Zhang#,Xiu Wang#,Yao Wang,Jian-guo Zhang,Wenhan Hu,Ming Ge,Kai Zhang*,Xiaoqiu Shao*.Risk factors for post-stroke seizures: A systematic review and meta-analysis.Epilepsy Research.2014.108.1806-1816.SCI |
53. 孙振兴,张凯*,张超,胡文瀚,张颖,张建国.液压打击诱导外伤后癫痫大鼠海马病理改变的初步探索.立体定向和功能性神经外科杂志.2013.02.69-74.核心期刊 |
54. Zhang K,Hu WH,Zhang C,Meng FG,Chen N,Zhang JG*..Predictors of seizure freedom after surgical management of tuberous sclerosis complex: A systematic review and meta-analysis..Epilepsy Research.2013.105(3).377-383.SCI |
55. 李敬军,马羽,胡文瀚,张凯*,张建国,张颖,孟凡刚.丘脑底核高频电刺激对偏侧帕金森猴苍白球内侧部中氨基酸神经递质含量的影响.立体定向和功能性神经外科杂志.2012.25(2).68-71.核心期刊 |
56. 张弨,张建国,张凯*,马羽,葛明,孟凡刚,胡文瀚,杨岸超.丘脑底核电刺激术治疗原发性肌张力障碍.中国微侵袭神经外科杂志 .2012.17(7).302-304.核心期刊 |
57. 李敬军,张凯*,马羽,张建国,张颖,胡文瀚,孟凡刚.高频电刺激丘脑底核对偏侧帕金森病猴模型苍白球内侧部神经元放电的影响.中华神经医学杂志.2012.11(5).459-463.核心期刊 |
58. 孙振兴,张建国,张凯*,葛明,孟凡刚,孙振荣.MRI影像改变对颞叶癫痫术后疗效的影响.中华神经外科杂志.2010.26(6).490-493.核心期刊 |
59. Zhang K, Bhatia S, Oh MY, Cohen D, Angle C, Whiting D..Long-term results of thalamic deep brain stimulation for essential tremor..Journal of Neurosurgery.2010.112(6).1271-1276.SCI |
60. 孙振兴,张凯*,张超,胡文瀚,张颖,张建国.外侧液压打击诱导大鼠外伤后癫痫模型的制作.立体定向和功能性神经外科杂志.2010.23(3).146-150.核心期刊 |
61. Zhang K, Bhatia S, Oh M, Whiting D.Epidural anesthesia for placement of spinal cord stimulation with paddle-type electrode..stereotactic and functional neurosurgery.2009.87(5).292-296.SCI |
62. 马羽,张凯*,张建国,胡文瀚,孟凡刚,张颖,张东.MPTP偏侧恒河猴帕金森病模型研究.立体定向和功能性神经外科杂志.2008.21.212-215.核心期刊 |
63. 张凯,张建国,葛明,冯涛.丘脑底核电刺激治疗苍白球毁损术后的帕金森病.中国神经精神疾病杂志.2006.32(6).507-510.核心期刊 |
64. 张凯,张建国,马羽,胡文瀚,葛明,徐露.丘脑底核电刺激治疗继发性肌张力障碍.中华神经外科杂志.2006.22(12).711-713.核心期刊 |
65. 张凯,张俊廷,张建国,张东.颅骨巨细胞瘤的诊断和治疗.中华神经外科杂志.2005.21(8).481-483.核心期刊 |