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2. Xue Peng, Zhang Yong*, Wang Xiaoyan, Cui Yuanshan, Wei Guangzhu, Liu Xuehuan.Mechanism of Graft Damage Caused by NTPDase1-activated Macrophages in Acute Antibody-Mediated Rejection.Transplantation Proceedings.2021.53(1).436-442.SCI |
3. Zhongbao Zhou, Yuanshan Cui, Xiaoyi Zhang, Yong Zhang*.Comparison of 532-nm GreenLight HPS laser with 980-nm diode laser vaporization of the prostate in treating patients with lower urinary tract symptom secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasia: a meta-analysis.Lasers Med Sci.2021.1(28).doi: 10.1007/s10103-021-03255-8.SCI |
4. Yuanshan Cui, Zhongbao Zhou , Yumeng Chai, Xuanyan Che, and Yong Zhang*.Identification of a Nomogram from Ferroptosis-Related Long Noncoding RNAs Signature to Analyze Overall Survival in Patients with Bladder Cancer.Journal of Oncology.2021.https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/8533464.18.SCI |
5. Zhongbao Zhou, Yuanshan Cui, Shuangfeng Huang, Zhipeng Chen4*, Yong Zhang*.The Efficacy of Intra-Arterial Plus Intravesical Chemotherapy Versus Intravesical Chemotherapy Alone After Bladder-Sparing Surgery in High-Risk Bladder Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta- Analysis of Comparative Study.Frontiers in Oncology.2021.doi: 10.3389/fonc.2021.651657.651-657.SCI |
6. Zhongbao Zhou, Yuanshan Cui, Xiaoyi Zhang, Yong Zhang *.The role of N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) orally daily on the sperm parameters and serum hormones in idiopathic infertile men: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.Andrologia.2021.53(2).13953.SCI |
7. Xuebao Zhang, Yuanshan Cui, Liying Dong, Miao Sun, Yong Zhang*.The efficacy of combined l‐carnitine and l‐acetyl carnitine in men with idiopathic oligoasthenoteratozoospermia: A systematic review and meta‐analysis.Andrologia.2020.52(2).13470.SCI |
8. 宗焕涛, 孟凡刚, 张勇*, 魏光柱.Clinical study of the effects of deep brain stimulation on urinary dysfunctions in patients with Parkinson’s disease.Clin Interv Aging.2019.14(6).1159-1166.SCI |
9. 郝强,龚海英*,宗焕涛,郝邵平,王涛,周永建,张耀光,张勇*.Aspirin use improves the biochemical control of prostate cancer in Chinese men .JOURNAL OF BUON.2018.23(6).1803-1808.SCI |
10. 郝强,周鑫,宗焕涛,周永建,张勇*.Relationship between miR-223 and miR-152 expression and prostate cancer prognosis .INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE.2018.11(9).9678-9685.SCI |
11. 王晓雁,张勇*,魏光柱,李志虎,田大学,黄伟.Mechanism of Nucleoside Triphosphate Diphosphohydrolase-1 Associated Imbalance in Adenosine Diphosphate Degradation,B-Cell Activation, and Related Injury During Acute Antibody-Mediated Rejection.Transplantation Proceedings.2018.50(5).1292-1297.SCI |
12. 王晓雁,黄伟,张勇*.Relation between hypertension and erectile dysfunction: a meta-analysis of cross-section studies.international journal of impotence research.2018.30.141–146.SCI |
13. 田大学,黄伟,闫慧磊,宗焕涛,张勇*.Effect of Varicocelectomy on Serum FSH and LH Levels for Patients with Varicocele: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.INDIAN JOURNAL OF SURGERY.2018.80(3).233–238.SCI |
14. 李志虎,黄伟,王晓雁,张勇*.The relationship between lower urinary tract symptoms and irritable bowel syndrome: a meta-analysis of cross-sectional studies.Minerva Urologica e nefrologica.2018.70(4).386-392.SCI |
15. Tian D , Wang XY , Zong HT , Zhang Y*.Efficacy and safety of short- and long-term, regular and on-demand regimens of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors in treating erectile dysfunction after nerve-sparing radical prostatectomy: a systematic review and meta-analysis.Clinical Interventions in Aging.2017.12:(3).405-412.SCI |
16. Tian D , Li N , Huang W , Zong H , Zhang Y*.The efficacy and safety of adrenergic alpha-antagonists in treatment of distal ureteral stones in pediatric patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis.J Pediatr Surg.2017.52:(2).360-365.SCI |
17. T Wang,W Huang,Y Zhang*.Clinical Characteristics and Urodynamic Analysis of Urinary Dysfunction in Multiple Sclerosis.Chin Med J (Engl).2016.129(6).645-650.SCI |
18. WeiHuang, PengXue, HuantaoZong, YongZhang*.Efficacy and safety of silodosin in the medical expulsion therapy for distal ureteral calculi: a systematic review and meta-analysis.Br J Clin Pharmacol.2016.81(1).13-22.SCI |
19. X Wang,H Zong,Y Zhang*.Efficacy and safety of prostate artery embolization on lower urinary tract symptoms related to benign prostatic hyperplasia: a systematic review and meta-analysis.Clinical Interventions in Aging.2016.11(11).1609-1622.SCI |
20. Xin Zhou,Hui Lei Yan#, Yuan Shan Cui, Huan Tao Zong, Yong Zhang*.Efficacy and Safety of OnabotulinumtoxinA in Treating Neurogenic Detrusor Overactivity: A Systematic Review and Meta analysis.Chinese Medical Journal.2015.128(7).963-968.SCI |
21. Tao Wang, Wei Huang#, Huantao Zong, Yong Zhang*.he Eicacy of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure herapy on Nocturia in Patients With Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Int Neurourol J.2015.19(3).178-184.SCI |
22. Yuan shan Cui, PengXue, HuantaoZong, YongZhang*.The efficacy and safety of onabotulinumtoxinA in treating idiopathic OAB: A systematic review and meta-analysis.Neurourol Urodyn.2015.34(5).413-419.SCI |
23. Wei Huang, Huanta Zong, Xi Zhou, Yong Zhang* .Efficacy and safety of imidafenacin for overactive bladder in adult: a systematic review and meta-analysis.Int Urol Nephrol.2015.47(3).457-464.SCI |
24. Cui YS, Zong H, Yang C, Yan H and Zhang Y*.The efficacy and safety of mirabegron in treating OAB: a systematic review and meta-analysis of phase III trials. Int Urol Nephrol.Int Urol Nephrol.2014.46(1).275-284.SCI |
25. Cui YS, Zong H, Yan H, Li N and Zhang Y*.The efficacy and safety of ospemifene in treating dyspareunia associated with postmenopausal vulvar and vaginal atrophy: a systematic review and meta-analysis.J Sex Med.2014.11(1).487-497.SCI |
26. Cui YS, Li N, Zong H, Yan H and Zhang Y*.Avanafil for male erectile dysfunction: a systematic review and meta-analysis.Asian Journal of Andrology.2014.16(3).472-477.SCI |
27. 张勇,孙继红,徐昱,李晓红,杨苏乔,杨楠,沈雁英.青年指导教师在医学本科教学中的作用.中国病案.2011.12(6).62-63.核心期刊 |
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29. 张勇.老年男性肾移植受者良性前列腺增生症的研究现状.山东医药.2011.51(8).1-2.核心期刊 |
30. 张勇,付丽,李淑娟,韩加刚,曹志新,田惠忠.PBL教学法在医患沟通理论课教学中的应用研究.中国高等医学教育.2011.8.98-99.核心期刊 |
31. 张勇*,王勇,张小东,李晓北,杨勇.电切术后黏膜下注射表柔比星治疗肾移植受者膀胱移行细胞癌复发:安全及有效?.中国组织工程研究与临床康复.2010.14(18).3271-3273.核心期刊 |
32. 张勇*,张小东,王勇,胡小鹏,李晓北,王玮,尹航,刘航.稳定期肾移植受者环孢素峰浓度监测.中国组织工程研究与临床康复.2010.14(5).794-798.核心期刊 |
33. 张勇*,TAN Yeh Hong.输尿管良性狭窄内切开前行球囊扩张的临床研究.中华外科杂志.2008.46(9).685-687.核心期刊 |
34. 张勇*,TAN Yeh Hong.球囊在经皮肾镜经上肾盏建立通道中的应用研究.临床泌尿外科杂志.2008.23(3).203-205.核心期刊 |
35. 张勇*,陈晓,武志津,张鹏,张小东,杨勇.膀胱内前列腺突出的长度和体积与良性前列腺增生患者膀胱出口梗阻关系的临床研究.中华男科学杂志.2007.13(11).1020-1022.核心期刊 |
36. 张勇*,管德林,许建军,韩志友,马麟麟,王勇,张小东.胰肾联合移植15例报道.中华器官移植杂志.2007.28(4).195-198.核心期刊 |
37. 张勇*,张小东,马麟麟,王勇,韩志友,管德林.儿童尿毒症患者肾移植的临床特点及转归.北京医学.2006.28(5).312.核心期刊 |
38. Y. Zhang*, D.L. Guan, C.Q. Xia, Z.Y. Han, J.J. Xu, J.Z. Gao, K.R. Wu.CLINICAL STUDY Of Lipo PGE1-INHIBITING PLATELETS ACTIVATION IN ACUTE REJECTION AFTER KIDNEY TRANSPLANTATION.Transplantation Proceedings.2005.37(10).4208-4210.SCI |
39. Y. Zhang*, D.L. Guan, T.W. Ou, Y. Wang, X. Chen, N. Z. Xing, X. D. Zhang, Y. Yang.Sildenafil citrate treatment for erectile dysfunction after kidney transplantation.Transplantation Proceedings.2005.37(5).2100-2103.SCI |
40. 张勇*,管德林,夏成青,韩志友,许建军,高居忠,吴克让.血小板活化状态与移植肾功能恢复关系的研究.中华外科杂志.2003.41(12).881-884.核心期刊 |