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2. Zhang X, Wu Y, Sun X, Cui Q, Bai X, Dong G, Gao Z, Wang Y, Gao C, Sun S, Ji N, Liu Y*.The PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway is aberrantly activated in primary central nervous system lymphoma and correlated with a poor prognosis.BMC Cancer.2022.22(1).190.SCI |
3. Liu J, Guo J, Sun X, Liu Y*, Gao C*.Efficacy and Safety of Autologous Stem-Cell Transplantation as Part of First-Line Treatment for Newly Diagnosed Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Front Oncol.2022.11.799721.SCI |
4. Sun X, Wu Y, Xing R, Bai X, Qian J, Zhu H, Cui Q, Chen Y, Liu Q, Lai W, Li J, Wang Y, Sun S, Gao C, Ji N, Liu Y*.Non-Myeloablative Chemotherapy as Consolidation Strategy After High-Dose Methotrexate-Based Chemoimmunotherapy in Patients With Primary CNS Lymphoma: A Retrospective Single Center Study in China.Front Oncol.2022.12.792274.SCI |
5. Liu J, Guo J, Sun X, Liu Y*, Gao C*.Efficacy and Safety of Autologous Stem-Cell Transplantation as Part of First-Line Treatment for Newly Diagnosed Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Front Oncol.2022.11.799721.SCI |
6. Chen T*, Liu Y, Wang Y, Chang Q, Wu J, Wang Z, Geng D, Yu JT, Li Y, Li XQ, Chen H, Zhuang D, Li J, Wang B, Jiang T, Lyu L, Song Y, Qiu X, Li W, Lin S, Zhang X, Lu D, Lei J, Chen Y*, Mao Y*.Evidence-based expert consensus on the management of primary central nervous system lymphoma in China.J Hematol Oncol.2022.15(1).136.SCI |
7. Xuefei Sun#, Yuchen Wu#, Ruixian Xing, Xueyan Bai, Jun Qian, Hong Zhu, Qu Cui, Yuedan Chen, Qing Liu, Wenyuan Lai, Junhong Li, Yaming Wang, Shengjun Sun, Chunji Gao, Nan Ji, Yuanbo Liu*.Non-myeloablative chemotherapy as consolidation strategy after high-dose methotrexatebased chemoimmunotherapy in patients with primary CNS lymphoma:a retrospective single center study in China.Frontiers in Oncology.2022.12.792274.SCI |
8. Xiaowei Zhang, Yuchen Wu, Xuefei Sun, Qu Cui, Xueyan Bai, Gehong Dong, Zifen Gao, Yaming Wang, Chunji Gao, Shengjun Sun, Nan Ji, Yuanbo Liu*.The PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway is aberrantly activated in primary central nervous system lymphoma and correlated with a poor prognosis.BMC Cancer.2022. 22. 190.SCI |
9. Lv L, Sun X, Wu Y, Cui Q, Chen Y, Liu Y*.Efficacy and Safety of Ibrutinib in Central Nervous System Lymphoma: A PRISMA-Compliant Single-Arm Meta-Analysis.Front Oncol.2021.11.707285.SCI |
10. Lv L, Liu Y*.Clinical Application of Liquid Biopsy in Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma.Front Oncol.2021.11.658234.SCI |
11. Xiaowei Zhang, Yuanbo Liu*.Targeting the PI3K/AKT/mTOR Signaling Pathway in Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma: Current Status and Future Prospects.CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets.2020.19(3).165-173.核心期刊 |
12. Na Shen, Yaming Wang, Xuefei Sun, Xueyan Bai, Jinglan He, Qu Cui, Jun Qian, Hong Zhu, Yuedan Chen, Ruixian Xing, Qing Liu, Yuchen Wu, Junhong Li, Wenyuan Lai, Shengjun Sun, Nan Ji, Yuanbo Liu*.Expression of hypoxia-inducible factor 1α, glucose transporter 1, and hexokinase 2 in primary central nervous system lymphoma and the correlation with the biological behaviors..Brain and behavio.2020.10(8).e01718.SCI |
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14. Yuchen Wu#, Yaming Wang#, Xuefei Sun, Xueyan Bai, Jun Qian, Hong Zhu, Qu Cui, Ruixian Xing, Yuedan Chen, Qing Liu, Jiayuan Guo, Nan Ji, Shengjun Sun, Yuanbo Liu*.Parenchymal central nervous system involvement in aggressive B-cell lymphoma: retrospective analysis of clinical and MRI features in a Chinese population.BMC Neurology.2019.19(1).268-275.SCI |
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17. Jing Liu#,Yaming Wang#,Xuefei Sun,Shuo Liu,Zhenkun Yu,Nan Ji,Shengjun Sun,Yuanbo Liu*.Lesions of the central nervous system in leukemia: Pathological and magnetic resonance imaging features at presentation in 14 patients .Oncology Letters.2017.14(6).8162-8170 .SCI |
18. Xuefei Sun#,Jing Liu#,Yaming Wang,Xueyan Bai,Yuedan Chen,Jun Qian,Hong Zhu,Fusheng Liu,Xiaoguang Qiu,Shengjun Sun,Nan Ji,Yuanbo Liu*.Methotrexate-cytarabine-dexamethasone combination chemotherapy with or without rituximab in patients with primary central nervous system lymphoma .Oncotarget.2017.8(30).49156-49164.SCI |
19. Jing Liu#, Yaming Wang, Yuantao Liu, Zhe Liu, Qu Cui, Nan Ji, Shengjun Sun, Bingxu Wang, Yajie Wang, Xuefei Sun, Yuanbo Liu*.Immunohistochemical profle and prognostic signifcance in primary central nervous system lymphoma: Analysis of 89 cases.Oncology Letters .2017.14(5).1792-1074 .SCI |
20. Jing Liu, Yaming Wang, Xuefei Sun, Nan Ji, Shengjun Sun, Yajie Wang, Fusheng Liu, Qu Cui, Chen Wang*, Yuanbo Liu*.Promoter methylation attenuated SHP1 expression and function in patients with primary central nervous system lymphoma.Oncology Reports.2017.37(2).887-894.SCI |
21. Xueliang Yang#,Yuanbo Liu*.Advances in Pathobiology of Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma .Chin Med J.2017.130(16).1973-1979 .SCI |
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23. 孙雪飞,刘静,孙胜军,王亚明,陈悦丹,邢瑞娴,白雪燕,钱筠,朱红,季楠,刘元波.利妥昔单抗联合化疗方案治疗原发性中枢神经系统淋巴瘤的疗效.中华神经外科杂志.2016.32(4).388-392.核心期刊 |
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26. Ruifang Mi,Chunxiao Pan,Yiqing Zhou,Yuanbo Liu, Guishan Jin,Fusheng Liu.Identification of the metastasis potential and its associated genes in melanoma multinucleated giant cells using the PHA-ECM830 fusion method.Oncology Reports.2016.35(1).211-218.SCI |
27. Jun Qian, Qu Cui, Yuanbo Liu*.Isolated primary intracranial myeloid sarcoma with neuromeningeal infiltration:A case report.Oncol Lett.2015.9(2).1647-1650.SCI |
28. Xueyan Bai, Qu Cui,Yuanbo Liu*.Interstitial pneumonitis related to rituximab therapy for Waldenstrom's macroglobulinimia.. Clinical Case Reports.2015.3(2).133-134.SCI |
29. 刘静,王亚明,刘元波*.原发性中枢神经系统淋巴瘤分子病理机制的研究进展.国际输血与血液学杂志.2015.38(4).325-329.核心期刊 |
30. Jing Liu, Xuefei Sun, Jun Qian, Xueyan Bai, Hong Zhu, Qu Cui, Xiaoyan Li, Yuedan Chen, Yaming Wang and Yuanbo liu*.Immunochemotherapy for primary central nervous system lymphoma with rituximab,methotrexate, cytarabine and dexamethasone:Retrospective analysis of 18 cases.Molecular and Clinical Oncology.2015.3(4).949-953.SCI |
31. Mehmet Karaca, Yuanbo Liu#, Zhentao Zhang Zhang, Dinuca De Silva, Joel S,Parker, H.Shelton Earp, Young E. Whang.Mutation of androgen receptor N-terminal phosphorylation site Tyr-267 leads to inhibition of nuclear translocation and DNA binding.PLOS ONE.2015.10(5).e0126270.SCI |
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41. Hengjun Chao,Yuanbo Liu,Joseph Rabinowitz,Chengwen Li, Richard Jude samulski and ChristopherE.Walsh.Several Log Increase in Therapeutic Transgene Delivery by Distinct Adeno-Associated Viral Serotype Vectors.Molecular Therapy .2000.2.619-623.SCI |
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