1. Ting Wang,Yinghua Pei,Xiaojian Qiu,Juan Wang,Yuling Wang,Jie Zhang*.A multi-centre prospective random control study of superimposed high-frequency jet ventilation and conventional jet ventilation for interventional bronchoscopy.Ear, Nose, & Throat Journal.2022.(4). .SCI |
2. Yan Liu,Jie Zhang*,Jianhai Long,Xiaojian Qiu,Ting Wang.The Effects of Rapamycin on the Proliferation, Migration, and Apoptosis of Human Tracheal Fibroblasts (HTrF) and Human Tracheal Epithelial Cells (HTEpiC).Journal of clinical medicine.2022.11(3).608.SCI |
3. Liu Y, Jing L, Zhang J*.circRNA-mediated upregulation of HOXC9 is correlated with poor outcome and immune microenvironment infiltrates in LUAD.Biochem Biophys Res Commun.2022.635.128-135.SCI |
4. Xiaojian Qiu,Yan Liu,Jie Zhang*,Ting Wang,Juan Wang.Paclitaxel-loaded PLGA Coating Stents in the Treatment of BCAS.Journal of Clinical Medicine.2022.11(3).517.SCI |
5. Ting Wang#,Juan Wang#,Xiaojian Qiu,Jie Zhang*.A Novel Use of Coblation in the Treatment of Tracheal Tumors.Ear, Nose, & Throat Journal.2021.(5). .SCI |
6. Beibei Jin#,Ting Wang#,Yuling Wang,Jie Zhang*.Montgomery T-Tube Insertion Under ECMO in a Patient With Complete Subglottic Stenosis and Severe Lower Tracheal Collapse.Ear, Nose & Throat Journal.2021.(5). .SCI |
7. Ting Wang, Jie Zhang*, Xiao-Jian Qiu, Juan Wang, Ying-Hua Pei, Jin-Mu Niu.Customized self-expanding bare metal Y stents in the treatment of malignant carinal stenosis: a retrospective analysis.Ann Palliat Med.2021.10(4).4184-4192.SCI |
8. Yan Zheng, Xiaojian Qiu, Ting Wang, Jie Zhang*.The Diagnostic Value of Metagenomic Next–Generation Sequencing in Lower Respiratory Tract Infection.Front Cell Infect Microbiol.2021.9(11).694756.SCI |
9. Hui Chen, Jie Zhang*, Xiaojian Qiu, Juan Wang, Yinghua Pei, Yuling Wang, Ting Wang.Choice of bronchoscopic intervention working channel for benign central airway stenosis. Internal and Emergency Medicine.2021.16(7).1865-1871.SCI |
10. 王婷,张杰*,邱小建,王娟,裴迎华,王玉玲.气管镜下介入治疗瘢痕性气道狭窄的有效性及影响因素分析.中华结核和呼吸杂志.2020.43(9).784-790.核心期刊 |
11. Yuling Wang, Juan Wang, Yinghua Pei, Xiaojian Qiu, Ting Wang, Min Xu, Jie Zhang*.Extraction of airway foreign bodies with bronchoscopy under general anesthesia in adults: an analysis of 38 cases.Journal of Thoracic Disease.2020.12(10).6023-6029.SCI |
12. Niu JM, Zhang J*, Qiu XJ, et al. .Application of Micro-Tech stents in malignant carinal stenosis.Oncol Lett.2019.17(4).3990-3996.SCI |
13. 袁媛, 张杰*, 岳红丽等.无痛支气管镜检查麻醉方法的初步探讨.中华结核和呼吸杂志.2019.42(2).106-113.核心期刊 |
14. 闫亚欣, 张杰*等.内科胸腔镜术后留置细引流管的利弊分析.国际呼吸杂志.2019.39(5).355-361.核心期刊 |
15. Niu JM, Zhang J*, Qiu XJ, et al. .Comparison of clinical features and stent placement outcomes between airway stenosis caused by primary pulmonary malignancies and that caused by primary non-pulmonary malignancies.Chin Med J .2019.132(4).431-436.SCI |
16. 王婷,张杰*,王娟,裴迎华,邱小建,王玉玲,牛津牧.金属支架的探索性研究-动物实验失败经验总结与分析.中华结核和呼吸杂志.2018.41(11).887-889.核心期刊 |
17. 呼玮,张杰*,王娟,裴迎华,王玉玲,邱小建,王婷,徐敏,张晨阳.内科胸腔镜术前实施人工气胸的利弊分析.中华结核和呼吸杂志.2018.41(10).793-798.核心期刊 |
18. Ting Wang, Jie Zhang*, Xiao‑Jian Qiu et al..Scarring Airway Stenosis in Chinese Adults: Characteristics and Interventional Bronchoscopy Treatment.Chin Med J.2018.131(3).276-281.SCI |
19. 张杰.良性中心气道狭窄经支气管镜介入诊治专家共识.中华结核和呼吸杂志.2017.40(6).408-418.核心期刊 |
20. Chen H, Zhang J*, Qiu XJ et al.Interventional Bronchoscopic Therapy in Adult Patients with Tracheobronchial Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma.Chin Med J.2017.130(20).2453-2458.SCI |
21. Ting Wang, Jie Zhang*, et al..Animal Studies about The Inhibition Function of Paclitaxel Drug-eluting Stent on Trachea-restenosis.Chinese Medical Journal.2016.129(22).2708-2713.SCI |
22. 王连庆,张杰*,王娟,裴迎华,王玉玲,邱小健,王婷,徐敏,张晨阳.经硬质气管镜气道金属支架取出方法及相关并发症处理措施.中华结核和呼吸杂志.2016.39(2).98-104.核心期刊 |
23. 王婷 张杰*等.不同直径自扩式金属裸支架置入后对犬气管的影响.中华结核和呼吸杂志.2016.39(12).953-957.核心期刊 |
24. 张杰.呼吸介入领域的中国特色.中华结核和呼吸杂志.2015.38(8).1.核心期刊 |
25. 张杰.支气管镜操作麻醉方式及无痛支气管镜的相关问题.中华结核和呼吸杂志.2015.38(3).162-163.核心期刊 |
26. Xiao‑Jian Qiu, Jie Zhang*, Ting Wang, Ying‑Hua Pei, Min Xu.Nonstent Combination Interventional Therapy for Treatment of Benign Cicatricial Airway Stenosis.Chinese Medical Journal.2015.128(16).2154-2161.SCI |
27. 支攀攀 张杰* 胡洁.症状性脑供血动脉狭窄与阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征的相关性研究.中华结核和呼吸杂志.2015.38(08).595-599.核心期刊 |
28. Kong Ying-ying, Zhang Jie*,Wang Ting, Qiu Xiao-jian, Wang Yu-ling.Preparation and characterization of paclitaxel-loaded poly lactic acid-co-glycolic acid coating tracheal stent.Chin Med J.2014.127(12).2236-2240.SCI |
29. 王利换,张杰*,.瘢痕性气道狭窄的血清蛋白质组学研究.中华结核和呼吸杂志.2013.36(7).506-509.核心期刊 |
30. 陈楠,张杰*,徐敏,王婷,王玉玲,裴迎华,.丝裂霉素C及紫杉醇对人胚肺成纤维细胞增殖及凋亡的影响.中华结核和呼吸杂志.2013.36(9).655-660.核心期刊 |
31. 岳英明,张杰*,周剑,王娟,杨蓉,邱小健,周楠,徐敏.CT肺功能成像对经支气管镜肺减容术术前筛选靶肺的价值.中华结核和呼吸杂志.2013.36(10).762-766.核心期刊 |
32. Chen N, Zhang J*, Xu M, et al. .Inhibitory Effect of Mitomycin C on Proliferation of Primary Cultured Fibroblasts from Human Airway Granulation Tissues.Respiration.2013.85(6).500-504.SCI |
33. 陈楠,张杰* 徐敏,王玉玲,裴迎华.人气道肉芽组织成纤维细胞的原代培养方法.中华结核和呼吸杂志.2013.36(4).280-282.核心期刊 |
34. 王利换,张杰* 陈楠,张莹莹,岳英明,徐敏.局部应用紫杉醇抑制兔气道损伤后瘢痕组织形成的初步研究.中华结核和呼吸杂志.2013.36(3).202-206.核心期刊 |
35. Zhang X, Zhang J*, Li Q, et al. .SELDI-TOF-MS in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.Chinese Sci Bull.2013.58(6).634-640.SCI |
36. 崔嘉,张杰* 王娟,徐敏,裴迎华,王婷,张晨阳.局部应用丝裂霉素C对良性瘢痕增生性气道狭窄抑制作用的初步研究.中华结核和呼吸杂志.2012.35(12).901-906.核心期刊 |
37. 王婷,张杰*.局部应用紫杉醇抑制细胞增殖治疗瘢痕性气道狭窄的前景.中华结核和呼吸杂志.2012.35(11).867-869.核心期刊 |
38. 丁彦,张杰*,尹凤仙,王婷,徐敏,王娟,裴迎华.常规密闭机械通气在全麻下支气管镜介入治疗中的应用研究.国际呼吸杂志.2011.31(22).1700-1705.核心期刊 |
39. 王婷,张杰*,王娟,党斌温,徐敏,裴迎华,张晨阳.经喉罩或气管插管连接行常规机械通气在全身麻醉介入治疗手术中的安全性.中华结核和呼吸杂志.2011.2011,34(10).739-742.核心期刊 |
40. 尹凤先,张杰*,丁彦,王婷,徐敏,王娟,裴迎华.开放式喷射通气在犬全身麻醉下硬质气管镜介入治疗中的应用.中华结核和呼吸杂志.2011.34(11).821-826.核心期刊 |
41. 张杰*,王娟,王婷,徐敏,党斌温,裴迎华,张晨阳.经支气管镜治疗良性瘢痕增生性气道狭窄方法的比较.中华结核和呼吸杂志.2011.34(11).821-826.核心期刊 |
42. Dang BW,Zhang J*.Safety and Efficacy of Argon Plasma Coagulation for Resection of Lipomas and Hamartomas in Large Airways.Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention.2011.12 .477-480..SCI |
43. Zhang J*, Wang T, Wang J, Pei YH, Xu M, Wang YL, Zhang X, Wang C. Effect of three interventional bronchoscopic methods on tracheal stenosis and the formation of granulation tissues in dogs.Chinese Medical Journal.2010.123(5).621-627.SCI |
44. 张杰*.如何在国内现有条件下用好硬质支气管镜.中华结核和呼吸杂志.2010.33(1).7-9.核心期刊 |
45. 王婷,张杰*,王娟,裴迎华,徐敏,张霞,王玉玲.紫杉醇对人胚肺成纤维细胞增殖的抑制作用.中华结核和呼吸杂志.2010.33(1).17-20.核心期刊 |
46. 张杰*,王娟,党斌温,徐敏,裴迎华,张晨阳.重度气道狭窄置放国产镍钛记忆合金支架的方法学研究.中华结核和呼吸杂志.2010.33(1).25-28.核心期刊 |
47. Zhang J, Wang T, Wang J, et al .Effect of three interventional bronchoscopic methods on tracheal stenosis and the formation of granulation tissues in dogs.Chinese Med J-PEKING.2010.123(5). 621-627.SCI |